

Fossilizer is a game to talk play with tapahonomy, the studies of the process that organisms become fossilized, preserved in the geological register.the burry

The game has trilobites as the only and mai character, while playing you have to help trilobites to burry them exoskeleton, in the first click on the trilobite, the trilobite will make the ecdysis, after the player have to click more 4 times to burry the exuviae.

When the timer ends, the burried exuiaves will become fossilized, where the player burried it.

This is a educational game, that teaches about fossil formation, in the yaw to discsuss that the condiotions of the fossil and of the enviroment are primordial to become fossilized, and that is why we have some abbundant fossils and bug gaps in the geologial register, because the conditions sometimes was favorables, sometimes not.

I hope this game helps people to think about the fossilization process and what we have available now on Eaerth nowadays.